[Resolved] Force Desktop View

    • April 9, 2021 at 1:35 am #7582

      Is there a way of forcing OSTicket Awesome to use the desktop view? I am finding when i resize my window on my laptop its changing to mobile view, which is obviously because the size of the screen reduced to that of a normal mobile device. So i’d like to stop this from happening when on PC.

    • May 7, 2021 at 2:30 pm #7636

      I’m afraid there is no elegant way to do this.

      The layout “breakpoints” (to use web design nomenclature) are hard-coded and it would be nearly impossible to make them user-configurable.

      The only solution I can think of (and you’re not going to like this) is to zoom out in your browser. Which would make everything very small, but would force the desktop layout.

      If I think of anything else I’ll let you know, but that’s about all I have for you.

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