[Support request] Replacing specific texts with something else

    • January 5, 2021 at 7:18 am #7210

      Hey there @stevland,

      I decided to post my question here (instead of the OST forum) because I saw that you have been quite active in the past concerning this mod.

      Basically, there are 2 words that we’d like to change (and their translations)

      • Ticket(s) –> Support Request(s)
      • Department –> Technical Group

      I’ve started the very tedious job of finding the .php file of the page I am watching on the site and  replacing these words every time I see them + their related translations (only for the ones we need 🙂 ), but I find this quite heavy and annoying for any upgrade we decide to install (I’ve gone through one upgrade already) – You have to compare and assess if this is your translation or not…. (I signed all my changes with a code for identification) …

      I was thus wondering if you had any advice for the best method to apply these text replacements and their maintenance?

      I also had a thought, whether injecting a script that would essentially do the job on screen be an easier solution?

      What do you think?



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