[Resolved] Chrome Issue

    • November 15, 2022 at 9:06 am #13238

      Hello, we face an issue on Chrome Browser.
      After completing the cretentials we can’t press the login button.
      We tried on different computers and the same issue have our customers too.

    • November 15, 2022 at 9:08 am #13263

      Had a similar issue in 1.17.x , I believe this is upstream. We fixed it by clearing out cookies. 

    • November 15, 2022 at 10:24 am #13269

      This is an osTicket bug that they fixed in v1.17.1.

      You should upgrade to osTicket Awesome for osTicket 1.17.1 (Revision 1), which includes the fix. Or upgrade to osTicket Awesome for osTicket 1.17.2 (Revision 1) when it is released later this week.

      Until then you’ll have to clear your browser’s cache every time you encounter the issue.

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