Hi Rocque,
I moved your post (in case you were wondering).
Just to make sure we are on the same page…
You are running osTicket v1.10, correct?
You installed osTicket-Awesome-1.10-v1.10, correct?
You wrote that you are now receiving a “fatal server error”, but I think you must mean to say “fatal error“, yes?
The “fatal error” message in osTicket can mean one of three things, but because your original osTicket is still working I can rule out 2 of them.
Therefore, I am almost certain that you have an issue with your ost-config.php file.
You should make a copy of it from your original osTicket directory, which you can find here:
Download a copy of this file to your computer and then upload it to your osTicket Awesome directory:
/support/include/(upload here)
That should fix your issue, but let me know either way!