Reply To: Selecting users

February 20, 2020 at 1:22 pm #5481

Hi Randy,

You have found an issue with osTicket itself — it is not an osTicket Awesome issue.

In a perfect world you will still have your own vanilla osTicket installation for troubleshooting purposes.

I understand it can become confusing for people to determine if an issue is with the osTicket core code, or as a result of osTicket Awesome. I really appreciate it when people take the time to verify whether or not the same issue can be reproduced in vanilla osTicket.

In this case I used my own unmodified installation ( and confirmed that the issue adding users to organizations exists there as well.

In fact, it doesn’t even have to be multiple users. Checking just one user and selecting “Add to Organization” does not work as intended.

Please consider reporting this issue in the osTicket Forum or, better yet, open an issue on GitHub.