Reply To: Text size in menus and languages issues

January 30, 2018 at 4:21 pm #798

The language translations fall into two categories:

A) Text that is a part of osTicket core that have been translated by volunteer contributors through Crowdin, complied into .phar files and available to download on (I have already added all of the latest .phar files to osTicket Awesome).

B) Text that has been added by myself as a part of osTicket Awesome. For all text that I have added, I have attempted to include a translation to each of the language packs. Since I last worked on this, however, I am aware that some text has been added / changed on the Admin Panel > Themes page. At some point I will update my translations to include anything that isn’t currently translated. But there may be some other text that I have overlooked or forgotten.

I hope that my answer so far isn’t too complicated!

In order to provide a complete answer I need to know if the text that isn’t being translated into French would fall into category A) or B).

Kindly let me know exactly what text you are finding that isn’t showing up in French and I will either integrate a fix into the next release of osTicket Awesome or advise you what needs to be done to achieve a proper translation.

I’ll need to know what page it shows up on (eg. Staff > Admin Panel > DashboardAbout this osTicket Installation“). It would also be helpful if you could provide a translation (otherwise I’ll have to use Google Translate).

Thank you Mathieu.