[Resolved] Display bug after viewing user tickets

    • January 29, 2021 at 6:25 pm #7360
      Randy Jonathan

      see pictures 

      After clicking the user ticket you get display problems below. (I have tried normal osticket and there was no issue.)

    • February 5, 2021 at 2:14 am #7379

      I have (almost) the same issue on more or less every ticket page.

      When I go to any ticket page via the menue (e.g. “Open”, “Assigned To Me”, “Closed” and all others) I get this display error as well.
      See here:


      Interestingly when I click on the logo above the menue, which opens the same page again, the issue is gone.
      So this is only when I open a page via the menue.

      And the ticket list is also a bit broken on the version of the page where the display error occures.
      See here 2 images for comparison:
      Here it is “broken”:

      Here it is fine:

      Note the missing icons in the second column and the tiny merge icon below the “Betreff” box in the broken view.

    • February 5, 2021 at 10:19 am #7390

      Hi guys, 

      Please see this for the cause and a couple of solutions:


      • February 22, 2021 at 2:24 am #7454

        Thank you.

        Am I right that there is a version of the Attachment Inline Plugin including a compatibility fix already included in osTicket Awesome?
        That’s cool.

        I just realized that there is an attachment_preview.phar in the plugins folder and now I’m using this one instead of the zip file from the official repository.

        Since then the issue is gone..

    • February 23, 2021 at 11:21 am #7466

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