osTicketAwesome Installation Order

    • June 3, 2019 at 9:01 pm #4537

      Please add the following instructions into your README.txt regarding the installation process:

      1. Make sure you have already installed the original osTicket from osticket.com properly.
      2. Make sure you have already copied and pasted all the script files inside the osTicketAwesome downloaded file (replace all) into the original osTicket installation.<br />

      This note is very important, especially for those who thought (including myself) that osTicketAwesome will include the setup file (in fact, no).

      Even most of your users have already known that they should install the original osTicket first and then osTicketAwesome, in my humble opinion, you need to include those two installation steps above for newbie users who have just known about osTicketAwesome without visiting the osTicket website before.

      Thank you.

    • June 5, 2019 at 5:51 pm #4559

      As you may have noticed, I revamped this website a bit over the past few days. Unfortunately I lost some forum posts in the process. It looks like our thread here has disappeared.

      I did receive your most recent message through an email notification. I wanted to let you know so that you wouldn’t think I was ignoring you.

      I misunderstood you previously. I thought you were new to osTicket. 

      In any event, I’ll take your feedback under consideration.

      I’ve also been toying with the idea of trying to make osTicket Awesome installable — so that it can be a stand-alone product and not depend on having osTicket pre-installed. Your feedback has given that idea some more value.

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