[Resolved] Polish translations are missing

    • August 17, 2022 at 6:18 am #11309


      I have a problem with the translation on the login page, the translation is just missing even though it is in the file. Everything in the attachments.

      This is very strange because I have done a clean install on purpose and there is still this error. And two, that your demo is ok.

      not translated

      The description is translated



      osTicket v1.16.3 // osTicket-1.16.3-Awesome-101
      PHP 8.0.21 // MySQL 10.3.34 // Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) web server



    • August 17, 2022 at 6:28 am #11330

      I found my error xD it is not translated. Is it enough to add to the /pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo.php file:

      ‘To better serve you, we encourage our Clients to register for an account.’ => ‘Aby lepiej Państwu służyć, zachęcamy naszych klientów do rejestracji konta i zweryfikowania adres e-mail, który zarejestrowaliśmy.’,


    • October 8, 2022 at 9:52 pm #12004

      You sent me down a rabbit hole! I am really confused. I don’t understand why you’ve run into this problem.

      That text is already translated in the Polish language pack.

      ./include/i18n/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo.php: ‘To better serve you, we encourage our clients to register for an account and verify the email address we have o n record.’ => ‘Aby lepiej Państwu służyć, zachęcamy naszych klientów do rejestra cji konta i zweryfikowania adres e-mail, który zarejestrowaliśmy.’

      If you’re only Polish and no other language I suppose you could edit /include/client/login.inc.php, Line 14:

      $body = __(‘To better serve you, we encourage our clients to register for an account and verify the email address we have on record.’);

      I’ll mark this as resolved, but let me know if you’re still having trouble.

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