December 5, 2019 at 7:11 am #5354TTomParticipant
Translation error SCP backend
Hello Steveland,
we have updated from 1.10.x to 1.12.5. We noticed that some texts in the SCP backend are not translated into the set language and always stay in English.<br />
Example Language German – Texts: Open Tickets, My Tickets etc.In the Demo Staff Link of 1.10.7 the language is still correct in German (https://osticketawesome.com/a/1.10.7-1/scp/).<br />
Is this a problem with the template or the language file?I have read the post (https://osticketawesome.com/forums/topic/mobile-ticket-task-lists-do-not-use-translations/) and there seems to be problems with osticket. I hope the 1.14.x fixes the error.
Thank you
December 12, 2019 at 5:14 am #5403TTomParticipant
Hello, the problem still exists in 1.14-2 (https://osticketawesome.com/a/1.14.1-2/scp/index.php)<br />
Thank you -
December 17, 2019 at 10:37 am #5414
KeymasterHi @Tom,
Sorry for the delay in responding.
This is not an osTicket Awesome issue, it is an issue with osTicket itself. In fact, I opened a Git Hub issue report regarding this in October: Translations Missing #5098.
I find it very odd that so few people are complaining about this glaring issue. You may want to add your voice to that thread to nudge the devs into prioritizing it. Once they release a fix it will be integrated into osTicket Awesome immediately.
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