This version of osTicket Awesome is ONLY for osTicket v1.17.x
Requirements: HTTP server running Microsoft® IIS or Apache, PHP version 8.0, MySQL database version 5.5
[latest version][how to install]
[obtain support]
# osTicket-1.17.2-Awesome-101
Revision: 101 Released: 2022-11-17
* NEW: initial release for osTicket 1.17.2
[release notes]
* FIX: Staff > Tasks > Task list missing
* FIX: Staff > Tasks > buttons misaligned
Download osTicket-1.17.2-Awesome-101 here.
** Previous Changelog
# osTicket-1.17.1-Awesome-101
Revision: 101 Released: 2022-11-13
* NEW: initial release for osTicket 1.17.1
[release notes]
* NEW: replaced old .txt README with this file
* FIX: Client and Staff > date picker styling improvements
* FIX: Staff > mobile view > Ticket List > button menus going off screen
# osTicket-1.17-Awesome-103
Revision: 103 Released: 2022-10-21
* FIX: Staff > Attachment Preview plugin included as a .phar file
# osTicket-1.17-Awesome-102
Revision: 102 Released: 2022-10-10
* FIX: Client > wrong jQuery version called
* FIX: Staff > desktop view > fix ticket thread buttons misaligned
* FIX: Staff > mobile view > fix field widths
* FIX: Staff > mobile view > fix sort button missing
* FIX: Staff > basic search broken (workaround until better fix is found)
# osTicket-1.17-Awesome-101
Revision: 101 Released: 2022-10-06
* NEW: initial release for osTicket v.1.17
[release notes]
* NEW: support for osTicket’s new plugin multi-instance support
* CHANGE: update all plugins to latest available versions
# osTicket-1.16.4-Awesome-101
Revision: 101 Released: 2022-11-10
* NEW: initial release for osTicket v.1.16.4
[release notes]
* FIX: Staff > mobile view > fix column labels
# osTicket-1.16.3-Awesome-101
Revision: 101 Released: 2022-05-19
* NEW: initial release for osTicket v.1.16.3
[release notes]
# osTicket-1.16.2-Awesome-101
Revision: 101 Released: 2022-04-21
* NEW: initial release for osTicket v.1.16.2
[release notes]
# osTicket-1.16.1-Awesome-101
Revision: 101 Released: 2022-02-19
* NEW: initial release for osTicket v.1.16.1
[release notes]
# osTicket-1.16-Awesome-101
Revision: 101 Released: 2022-02-17
* NEW: initial release for osTicket v.1.16
[release notes]