Reply To: V1.17.2 autosave issue

December 13, 2022 at 5:14 pm #14198

Hi Norman, I’m sorry for the delay in responding. Your post was mysteriously marked as “Pending” and I had to approve it for some reason (I’ve never had to do that before).

I used Google Translate to figure out the error you’re seeing:

Undefined. Cannot save the draft. Refresh the current page to restore your draft and continue.

This is a problem with osTicket itself… it is not an osTicket Awesome issue.

But, if you’re still having trouble, you will find the solution here:

In your case you are already running osTicket 1.17.2 (albeit osTicket-1.17.2-Awesome-101). So you’ll just need to apply the patch.

1. Open include/class.usersession.php

2. Replace line 140

    if (isset($_SESSION['TIME_BOMB'])

    with this…

    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET'
          && isset($_SESSION['TIME_BOMB'])

I hope this helps!