[Support request] open new ticket when embedded in iframe not working

    • March 3, 2024 at 3:08 pm #19872
      Sally Holt

      I first noticed this in older version and then tried v1.18.1 in a test instance.   Chrome (Windows 10) and Safari (iPadOS) exhibit the issue.  However with Firefox (Windows 10), I can create a ticket.

      I added *.domain.com to allow System iFrame in settings.  Without this, I don’t even see the welcome to the support center page as expected.

      Creating tickets without iFrame works ok with the problem browsers.

      I was hoping that this seemingly browser specific issue was because my production instance of OSTA was old. 

      I made minimal changes to OSTA – just the System iFrame thing.

      Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this issue further?

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