[In Progress] osTicket-1.14-Patch 4 – german

    • April 16, 2020 at 4:11 am #5578

      Guten Tag,

      es gibt sehr viele deutsche Benutzer, die sich für osTicket Awesome interessieren.
      Viele warten ab, weil es immer mal Probleme geben soll.

      Laut Forum soll es sein Fehlermeldungen mit der neuen Version osTicket v1.14.1-Patch 4 deutsch geben.
      HTTP ERROR 500 Fehler tritt bei Aufruf der Datei tickets.php auf.
      So dass dies nicht mehr funktioniert.

      Wird es dazu gehören ein Update von Awesome geben?

    • April 16, 2020 at 9:29 am #5579

      Es tut mir leid, ich verstehe nicht ganz, was Sie sagen.

      Sie beziehen sich auf das deutsche Projekt, ja? Von dieser Seite?


      HTTP ERROR 500 Fehler tritt bei Aufruf der Datei tickets.php auf.

      Wollen Sie damit sagen, dass der FEHLER 500 auftritt, wenn eine Person das deutsche osTicket verwendet?

    • April 17, 2020 at 12:01 am #5583

      Ja, das deutsche Projekt von<br />

      Ja, der Fehler tritt dann auf.

      Danke für die schnelle Antwort.

    • April 28, 2020 at 5:27 pm #5623

      Ja, ich arbeite an einer osTicket Awesome-Version, die den Code osticket.com.de verwendet.

      Aber ich muss fragen, ob das in Ordnung ist. Ich möchte nicht verärgern, wer hinter diesem Projekt steht.

      Weißt du wer sie sind?

    • April 29, 2020 at 7:39 am #5631


      see imprint data under: https://osticket.com.de/impressum.php – thanks

    • May 22, 2020 at 12:19 pm #5835

      stevland, i also would be interessted in a awesome verions for the german osticket version 🙂

    • May 25, 2020 at 3:14 pm #5869

      After thinking about it some more I am reluctant to use their code for a couple of reasons.

      But I am curious what it is that you guys like about the German adaptation (https://osticket.com.de/) of osTicket.

      Is the German translation that they use superior to German language pack that comes with osTicket / osTicket Awesome?

      The German adaptation has added a modification for time keeping. Is that important to you?

      Are there other things that you like about the German adaptation? Please explain!

    • May 26, 2020 at 7:10 am #5886

      Ich persönlich interessiere mich nur für die deutsche Version, wegen den deutschen Texten. Ein Zeitmessung brauche ich nicht.
      Es ist ja immer leichter, wenn alles in Landessprache erscheint, auch für unsere Kunden.

    • May 26, 2020 at 7:14 am #5887

      Uns genügt auch die normales osTicket Version mit Sprachpaket. Sobald das Problem mit der Übersetzung: (https://osticketawesome.com/forums/topic/v1-12-5-awesome-101translation-error-scp-backend/) gelöst ist, ist wieder alles ok. 😉

    • May 26, 2020 at 12:42 pm #5896

      I just spent 3 hours working on this dirty workaround, so I hope it works well!

      Please let me know if any of the translations can be improved.

      Add the following code to /osta/user-scripts.js:

      $('a[href="tickets.php?queue=5"].Ticket').text('Meine Tickets');
      $('a[href="tickets.php?queue=6"].truncate').text('Mir Zugewiesen');
      $('a[href="tickets.php?queue=7"].truncate').text('Teams Zugewiesen');
      $('a[href="tickets.php?queue=11"].truncate').text('Diese Woche');
      $('a[href="tickets.php?queue=12"].truncate').text('Diesen Monat');
      $('a[href="tickets.php?queue=13"].truncate').text('Dieses Quartal');
      $('a[href="tickets.php?queue=14"].truncate').text('Dieses Jahr');
      $('.add-queue a span').text('Persönliche Warteschlange hinzufügen');
      $('#sub_nav li:nth-child(4) .add-queue a span').text('Persönliche Suche hinzufügen');

      $('.pull-left.flush-left h2 a\[href*="tickets.php?queue=1"\]').each(function() {
      var text = $(this).text();
      text = text.replace('Open', 'Offen');
      $('.pull-left.flush-left h2 a\[href*="tickets.php?queue=2"\]').each(function() {
      var text = $(this).text();
      text = text.replace('Open', 'Unbeantwortet');
      $('.pull-left.flush-left h2 a').each(function() {
      var text = $(this).text();
      text = text.replace('Answered', 'Beantwortet');
      text = text.replace('Overdue', 'Überfällig'); //4
      text = text.replace('My Tickets', 'Meine Tickets');
      text = text.replace('Assigned to Me', 'Mir Zugewiesen');
      text = text.replace('Assigned to Teams', 'Teams Zugewiesen');
      text = text.replace('Closed', 'Geschlossen'); //8
      text = text.replace('Today', 'Heute');
      text = text.replace('Yesterday', 'Gestern');
      text = text.replace('This Week', 'Diese Woche');
      text = text.replace('This Month', 'Diesen Monat'); //12
      text = text.replace('This Quarter', 'Dieses Quartal');
      text = text.replace('This Year', 'Dieses Jahr');
      $('table.list.queue.tickets th a').each(function() {
      var text = $(this).text();
      text = text.replace('Last Update', 'Zuletzt aktualisiert');
      text = text.replace('Subject', 'Betreff');
      text = text.replace('From', 'Von');
      text = text.replace('Assigned To', 'Zugewiesen an');
      text = text.replace('Due Date', 'Fälligkeitsdatum');
      text = text.replace('Department', 'Abteilung');
      text = text.replace('Team', 'Team');
      text = text.replace('Date Closed', 'Schließungsdatum');
      text = text.replace('Closed By', 'Geschlossen Von');
      text = text.replace('Status', 'status');
      text = text.replace('Create Date', 'Erstellungsdatum');
      text = text.replace('User', 'Benutzerin');
      text = text.replace('Organization', 'Organisation');
      text = text.replace('Source', 'Quelle');
      text = text.replace('SLA Plan', 'Planen');
      text = text.replace('Priority', '!');

      Also, because German words are really loooong, it is also a good idea to make the font smaller in the Ticket Queue table headers.

      Add the following to /osta/user-styles.css:

      table.list.queue.tickets th a {
      font-size: 14px;
      padding-top: 10px !important;

      This isn’t a perfect solution but hopefully it will work well until Enhancesoft fix the translations in the new osTicket Ticket Queue system.

    • May 26, 2020 at 2:56 pm #5902

      Hi Stevland,

      the german version has some improvements that (imho) are very nice in daliy useage:

      • Privacy Settings which are essential in germany / eu (DSGVO / GDPR)
        • Translated:
          Force SSL connection
          Password policy Minimum password length n characters.
          The password must contain upper and lower case letters
          The password must contain numbers
          The password must contain special characters
          Show cookie popup
          Show privacy policy
          Internal data protection declaration
          URL to the external data protection declaration
          Show imprint
          Internal imprint
          URL to the external imprint
          Delete closed tickets (Global setting)
          Delete customers without tickets
      • Phonenumber of the customer shown in the ticket (very useful for direct TAPI calls)
      • Full use of browser width (autospan to monitor / browser view width)
        • Mail protocols
      • Department filter:
        • and some other improvements and fixes to the original version of osticket
        • Timetracking (personally i dont care about that feature but others do)

      Best Regards

    • May 28, 2020 at 8:56 am #5921

      Hello steveland, you are the best. It works great for us.

      I only adjusted 3 lines:

      Open Tickets page: +d and  text shortened to “aktualisiert” because of the column width.
      text = text.replace('Last Updated', 'aktualisiert');

      In My Tickets queue: the colum name ist different “Last Update” compared to open tickets.

      text = text.replace('Last Update', 'aktualisiert');

      Text shortened to “Fälligkeit” because of the column width.

      text = text.replace('Due Date', 'Fälligkeit');

      But everyone can decide for themselves. 😉

      Thank you for the fix

    • May 28, 2020 at 12:51 pm #5926

      Hi @Tom,

      Thanks for the feedback. I will amend my list with your suggestions.

      • October 22, 2021 at 3:45 am #8529

        Hi Steveland,
        I have to dig out the old post again. We have now updated to 1.15.4 and your language fix via “user-scripts.js” does not seem to work anymore. The columns all remain in English.

        Do you have a tip for us? Thank you

    • November 11, 2022 at 7:03 am #13096

      Hi Steveland,
      I have to dig out the old post again. We have now updated to “1.17-Awesome-103” and your language fix via “user-scripts.js” does not seem to work anymore. The columns all remain in English.

      Do you have a tip for us? Thank you

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