[Resolved] Sudden Performance Issues

    • December 27, 2022 at 1:09 pm #14367

      This should probably be in the osTicket.com forum, but I’m having trouble getting an account established.  While support works that out, I figured I would try here.

      My co-worker and I came in this morning and found osTicket to be *REALLY* slow.  It takes over 20 to 30 seconds for each page to load.  Every page, from ticket queues to tickets to admin pages. Performance was normal on Friday.

      Windows 2016 (running as a VM), MariaDB 10.6, osTicketAwesome

      CPU, memory, network throughput, and disk IO all seem normal.  Other VMs running on the same host have no issues.

      I tried the following

      Different browsers, Edge, Chrome, and Firefox
      Updated Windows and restarted the server
      Upgraded osTicket from 1.17 to 1.17.2
      Upgraded PHP from 8.0 to 8.1
      Tried using the default interface instead of the osTicketAwesome theme

      There was no change in performance.  osTicket continues to be extremely slow. I have outside reporting that queries the osTicket database, and I do not see any performance issues with those queries.  

    • December 28, 2022 at 6:13 am #14391

      And just as suddenly as it started, it got better. The performance returned to normal between the last time I tried anything last night and the first time I tried it this morning.

      I did post in the main osTicket forum.  That led to a couple of things to check out, but they didn’t reveal anything.  

      Edit:  The issues started again.  

    • December 28, 2022 at 8:34 am #14394

      Deleting and recreating a personal search seems to have cleared the issue.  

    • January 3, 2023 at 7:09 pm #14485


      A personal search!?

      What a bizarre issue, and amazing that you figured it out. Thanks for sharing.

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