[Resolved] Unread\Updated\New in bold

    • December 21, 2022 at 10:37 am #14314


      In our previous OSticket system, new tickets, or ones where the last update was not an agent, then the ticket showed up in bold.

      How to replicate this in Awesome, or is it perhaps just a regular OSticket setting I am missing?



    • December 21, 2022 at 4:32 pm #14316

      Hi @mjdventures,

      Thank you for your question.

      Vanilla osTicket makes the entire row bold when there is a “new reply”, which includes both a) an existing ticket with a new comment from the client and b) an entirely new ticket that you haven’t responded to yet.

      We decided a long time ago that this was too visually distracting. In other words, there was too much emphasis given to new replies and it ended up making the entire Ticket List look visually unattractive and hard to read.

      Therefore, we made the design decision to use the green New Reply icon to make that distinction.

      If you find this isn’t adequate enough for your needs you can add the following code to Admin Panel > Theme > Custom CSS

      table.list tbody td a {
      font-weight: inherit;

      That CSS will additionally make the Subject text bold.

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