Reply To: Correct steps to upgrade to latest release


…osTicket 1.10.4 Rename the directory to something different. You might name it /osticket1.10.1. Download osTicket Core v1.10.4, extract it on your computer and upload the /upload folder to your server….

New Versioning Scheme


In keeping with my ongoing effort to keep everything as intuitive as possible, I will be using a new file naming scheme for osTicket Awesome releases going forward. Old Scheme…

missing (or wrong) .js files in latest 1.17.3

Reinier Nissen

Hi. I tried to upgrade to 1.17.3, but i’m getting several errors on my console. After doing some debug, it seems like is trying to load js/jquery-3.5.1.min.js and jquery-ui-1.13.1.custom.min.js…

how to update to the latest version


Hi,  Currently i am using version 1.14.1 and i want to update to version 1.14.2…. Can i know the correct step to do so? I used cpanel to installed osticket….

Using OSTA with PHP v8.1 instead of v8.0


…your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version “>= 8.1.0”. You are running 8.0.29. in /var/www/html/include/laminas-mail/vendor/composer/platform_check.php on line 24 So we’ve gone forward and installed your latest release with…

Name offset in company and user notes


…posts. A private github maybe?? That would be brilliant. If you fork the latest osTicket and then have everything in there. Anyway I digress 🙂 So the screen shot below…

Blank page after install


…put it on my server. I unzipped the folder as a regular user and copied it from /home/myuser/ost-awesome/uploads to /var/www/html/osTicket/uploads using the following command: sudo cp -RTv ~/ost-awesome/uploads/ /var/www/html/osTicket/upload/ I…

Reapplying Mods after upgrade

…Windows in the screenshot (they have a free 30-day trial). There are many file compare tools for Windows/Mac/Linux — some of them are free — and they all work similarly….