
Forum Replies Created

  • In reply to: Glitch in user view of tickets (ost/tickets.php)

    October 31, 2018 at 10:31 am #2482


    Thank you for taking the time to post this and also the fix that you came up with.

    Oddly, I can’t seem to reproduce your issue though.

    Looking at the demo installation, for example, here is a ticket with many replies and it displays as expected.

    I wonder what is unique about your installation or browser?

    In any event, I’m glad that you’ve got it sorted.

    BTW you might want to add CSS tweaks such as this to /osta/user-styles.css

    This style sheet is the last one to load, so anything added here will override any other CSS styles.

    The main advantage though is that you can keep your edits segregated… which will make them easy to manage if/when you upgrade to a new version of osTicket Awesome! 🙂



    Thanks again for posting this screenshot. 

    This is actually a part of the same search issue that you submitted in an earlier post. Without going into details, I have to completely overhaul the way all of the ticket tables work in osTicket Awesome in order to fix this. I plan on having this fixed in the next release. Thank you for your patience.

    In reply to: error display in mobile view chrome in android

    October 31, 2018 at 10:15 am #2476


    Thank you for taking the time to post these screenshots.

    The search issue is a major bug that I am working to fix for the next release.

    It would be hard to explain, but the alignment of those buttons is an imperfection that there is no elegant fix for. If your screen were a few pixels wider, the buttons would be aligned in a straight row. If your screen was maybe 100 pixels thinner the “Add User” button would drop down onto its own row. I could make the button drop down sooner but it is better to have to scroll less. I hope this makes sense!

    In reply to: Unusual load time on phones

    October 31, 2018 at 10:05 am #2474

    I’m sorry @fedefarma, I just rediscovered this thread and realized that I dropped the ball on this.

    Are you still experiencing the issue?

    In reply to: Missing attachments at KB client side

    October 31, 2018 at 10:02 am #2472

    Hmmm I suspect that this isn’t an osTicket Awesome issue.

    Please try adding an attachment through your old core osTicket installation and verifying whether or not it shows up in the Client side.

    (For more information kindly read “Isolating osTicket vs. osTicket Awesome issues” on the Troubleshooting page.)


    Hmmm that sounds really odd. Is it still an issue for you?

    If yes, please try one of the following 2 options to see if it resolves the issue:

    1) Replace /scp/js/scp.js with this file 


    2) Open /scp/js/scp.js in a text editor and comment out lines 1056 – 1073 so it looks like this:

    // Enable PJAX for the staff interface - breaks osta
    // if ($.support.pjax) {
    // $(document).on('click', 'a', function(event) {
    // var $this = $(this);
    // if (!$this.hasClass('no-pjax')
    // && !$this.closest('.no-pjax').length
    // && $this.attr('href').charAt(0) != '#')
    // $, {container: $'pjaxContainer') || $('#pjax-container'), timeout: 2000});
    // })
    // }
    // $(document).on('click', '.link:not(a):not(.button)', function(event) {
    // var $e = $(event.currentTarget);
    // $('').attr({href: $e.attr('href'), 'class': $e.attr('class')})
    // .hide()
    // .insertBefore($e)
    // .get(0).click(event);
    // });


    In reply to: Theme – How to get it to look like the screenshot

    October 31, 2018 at 9:46 am #2467


    My apologies for misleading you… the version of osTicket Awesome used in that mock-up is for 1.9.x.

    The whole layout has been redesigned since then and, IMO, is greatly improved. Also, the colors used at that time were based on my own company’s color scheme — osTicket Awesome started as a personal project — and were not changeable. The most common feature request I received back then was alternate color schemes.

    I’ll have to update that mock-up at some point though!

    Thanks for being flexible. I hope the custom theme option is a satisfactory solution for your needs.


    Sorry for the delayed response.

    It appears that I added “Company Name” as a custom field at one point.

    If you haven’t figured it out already, you’ll want to navigate to Admin Panel > Manage > Forms > Contact Information.

    You can reference the settings I have in the demo.

    The subject line pulls the short description and am trying to recreate this, how is it done?

    Sorry, I’m not sure what you are referring to. Please post a screenshot or a better description to help me understand.

    In reply to: Adding Custom Queue Columns

    October 22, 2018 at 4:18 pm #2382

    Hi Jamie,

    I am 99% certain that the info you’ve found in the osTicket docs pertain only to 1.11-RC1 (for now). Unfortunately the Docs do not specify this, so your confusion is only natural. And just to be certain I have asked for clarification.

    I do not plan to release a version of osTicket for 1.11RCx as RC versions are not recommended in production environments.

    Others have asked about using custom code to implement their own custom columns in osTicket 1.10.x. I can tell you that this is possible, but it will not work well with osTicket Awesome.

    My best advice it to wait, if you can, for the release of osTicket 1.11-FINAL. Shortly thereafter I will released an updated osTicket Awesome that will fully support the new Custom Columns. Which will be an amazing new feature by-the-way!

    I hope this answers your question, but feel free to let me know if I’ve missed something.

    In reply to: Linux Installation

    October 18, 2018 at 11:14 am #2362

    The problem is that you need to be logged into this website (as a paid customer) in order to download files.

    I suggest that you download the package that you need, upload it to another server or sharing service and use wget to transfer it to your Linux box.

    I hope this helps.


    Hmmm. I can’t seem to reproduce this issue.

    Within the demo I am able to successfully create new users, register them and then delete them. 

    I have done so, without issue, using Chrome, FF and Edge.

    Are you using Safari by chance? I can’t think of what else to try at the moment but I’ll keep thinking about it.



    This is my first time encountering anyone using an alternate table prefix. I wonder why you guys decided to go with that? Anyway, it appears that osTicket itself can accommodate that but my sloppy less aware code cannot.

    The fix should be simple enough, and I’ll bet you have already figured it out yourself.

    Simply add the xy to all instances of ost_ticket__cdata. It only appears twice between two files:


    I’ll try to figure out how to call this table using the same method that the osTicket’s devs use. Hopefully I’ll have a fix integrated into the next release.

    In reply to: Unable to Save Theme Settings

    September 17, 2018 at 3:32 pm #2219


    Please see the 2nd item on the following page to resolve your issue:


    Sorry for the delayed response.

    I can’t seem to reproduce that issue using 1.10.1-v.1.4, so I would suggest upgrading to that version or something newer.

    You can verify that the Register and Delete User buttons work on your end by using the demo:

    I hope this helps.

    In reply to: Unusual load time on phones

    July 25, 2018 at 5:48 am #1998

    Using the \support-old installation, do the pages also have trouble loading or does the system perform as one would expect?