Latest version zip download corrupt?


The zip file of the latest version appears to be corrupt. I can download it, but not extract it. Previous versions download and unzip perfectly, but the latest. Anyone else…

ZIP download error


Hi, When I try download a ZIP (Print/Thread+Internal Notes+Attachments), the download will successfull, but I can not open the ZIP file. osTicket 1.16.2.+PHP 8 original, fresh install. This option can…

Fatal Error when files replaced

Robert Dobbs

I purchased and downloaded this theme, yesterday. I was running version 1.9.12 of OS Ticket. Everything was running fine, but when i uploaded the files from “support” fron this theme,…

Attachments on the filesystem


How to configure this plugin? with awesome installed, I can’t follow this reference.   please help   thanks…

Reply To: Text size in menus and languages issues


…available to download on (I have already added all of the latest .phar files to osTicket Awesome). B) Text that has been added by myself as a part of…

Using %{ticket.thread.complete.reversed} in an email template


Using %{ticket.thread.complete.reversed} in an email template does not appear to work as desired (that is, descending). It puts the thread in ascending order. Using %{ticket.thread.complete} also puts the thread in…