
Forum Replies Created

  • In reply to: Answered Tickets is not appearing

    July 18, 2018 at 10:11 pm #1797

    Hi @anderson,

    I logged into your Admin Panel and had a look.

    It is a very strange issue! I will look at it again tomorrow and think about it some more and try to figure out why your link are missing.

    Do you still have a osTicket core installation?

    For now you can bookmark these two links to get to the tickets:

    Answered Tickets

    My Tickets


    In reply to: Testing the Allowed Formatting

    July 18, 2018 at 5:19 pm #1788





    In reply to: Testing the Allowed Formatting

    July 18, 2018 at 5:18 pm #1786

    Now is a good time

    To come to the aid

    Of the party.

    In reply to: Testing the Allowed Formatting

    July 18, 2018 at 5:18 pm #1784

    Now is a good time

    To come to the aid

    Of the party.

    In reply to: Answered Tickets is not appearing

    July 18, 2018 at 5:01 pm #1780

    Just for the record, the print from osticket core is from other installation I just use for example purpose

    That is good to know. It explains why the #’s are so different between the two screenshots.

    But I’d still like to know your Database Scheme information (highlighted above).

    Actually, in order to help you I’ll need to have a look at your Staff Panel.

    Please create a temporary administrator account for me (Admin Panel > Agents > Add New Agent) using


    In reply to: Answered Tickets is not appearing

    July 18, 2018 at 3:10 pm #1765

    This is a really weird situation. I cannot think of what could cause that.

    Wait. I notice that osTicket core shows how many Closed tickets you have.

    But osTicket has not shown the # of Closed Tickets since v.1.9.x.

    Please send the following information from Admin Panel > Dashboard > Information:


    In reply to: Answered Tickets is not appearing

    July 18, 2018 at 1:43 pm #1755

    Your screenshot appears to be a mix of osTicket core and osTicket Awesome.

    Try clearing your browser’s cache and let me know whether or not it fixes your issue.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by stevland.

    In reply to: Unusual load time on phones

    July 18, 2018 at 11:36 am #1748

    >I’m having an issue with the template, the first time any phone tries to load the page it takes like 2 or 3 minutes

    What version of osTicket Awesome are you using?
    What type of phone?
    What web browser?
    Are you having trouble with the Client Portal, the Staff Portal or both?

    >This issue is also happening in the “Theme” menu at admin panel

    I have noticed a problem with the Theme page in the latest version (osTicket-Awesome-1.10.4-v1.0). The page loads half way and then halts. But as soon as I hit ‘refresh’ it loads the entire page instantly.

    I haven’t had any trouble with loading pages in mobile.

    If you provide more info I will look into it right away.

    In reply to: Landing image missing

    July 18, 2018 at 9:20 am #1720


    In reply to: Landing image missing

    July 18, 2018 at 8:23 am #1716

    The image isn’t a part of osTicket Awesome, it is something that you’ve added to your osTicket.

    Have you tried going to Admin Panel > Settings > Pages > Landing to add the image again?

    In reply to: Correct steps to upgrade to latest release

    July 18, 2018 at 7:52 am #1705

    Hi @ghapios,

    None of the 1.10.x versions require a database upgrade, so upgrading osTicket or osTicket Awesome is very easy.

    Set the system to offline (Admin Panel > System)

    Install osTicket 1.10.4

    Rename the directory to something different. You might name it /osticket1.10.1.

    Download osTicket Core v1.10.4, extract it on your computer and upload the /upload folder to your server.

    Rename /upload to something different. In your case you might name your osTicket 1.10.4 installation to /osticket1.10.4

    Copy your ost-config.php file from /osticket1.10.1/include to /osticket1.10.4/include.

    Delete the /setup directory.

    (If you have any customizations such as plugins, mods or email piping you will need to reapply them).

    Visit in your browser to make sure that everything worked. If you have any issues (such as permissions) you can check the troubleshooting page.

    Install osTicket Awesome 1.10.4

    Rename the directory to something different. In your case you might name your osTicket Awesome 1.10.1 installation to /osta1.10.1.

    Download, extract it on your computer and upload the /upload folder to your server.

    Rename the /upload folder to whatever it is you’ve always used (/support, /helpdesk, /osticket, etc.)

    Again, copy your ost-config.php file from one of the old installations into this one. 

    Log into the Staff portal and put the system back online.


    Whatever you rename the folders to is completely arbitrary.

    In the short-term you can easily get away with just installing osTicket Awesome 1.10.4 and not worrying about installing osTicket 1.10.4. But it is good to keep your core osTicket installation up-to-date for troubleshooting purposes. So I’m glad that you asked.

    Once everything is working you can safely delete your old osTicket 1.10.1 and osTicket Awesome 1.10.1 installations.


    In reply to: Piping emails not working

    July 17, 2018 at 11:26 pm #1696

    I’m really sorry, @Thomas Bosbach. I forgot to respond to this post from a long time ago until another customer pointed it out to me tonight.

    Did you figure out how to make email piping work?

    Here is what I told the other customer regarding the same issue…

    I’m sorry, but this isn’t really an osTicket Awesome question… it is an osTicket question.

    I wish I could help you but I have never used email piping myself.

    Hopefully when you installed osTicket Awesome you kept a backup of your original osTicket installation.

    Assuming your osTicket is installed into a directory called /support, you can temporarily use your /support-old directory.

    Both installations use the same database, and you can use either one without any trouble. Any changes in one are reflected in the other.

    If you previously had email piping working in your original osTicket installation you will need to reproduce whatever steps you took with your new osTicket Awesome installation.

    If you’ve never had email piping working before, here are the latest instructions. I would recommend that you set it up in your original osTicket installation first.

    If you are still having trouble you can ask for help in the osTicket forum

    (You don’t need to mention that you use osTicket Awesome, you can just get help with your original osTicket installation. Once your get it working you will know what you need to do to configure your osTicket Awesome installation as well!)

    I hope this helps you figure out what you need to do.

    In reply to: Logos

    July 17, 2018 at 11:09 pm #1693

    UPDATE: The latest releases all include the ability to display a user-uploaded logo.

    Here are some tips to integrate your logo into the theme.

    In reply to: Moved: Reply To: osTicket-Awesome-1.10.1-v1.4 Released

    July 17, 2018 at 8:41 am #1666

    In case anyone reads this thread and is confused… I moved this thread from another topic and the messages are now all out of order.

    In reply to: Moved: Reply To: osTicket-Awesome-1.10.1-v1.4 Released

    July 17, 2018 at 8:32 am #1651


    Your software environment is very similar to the environment that the demo is running in.

    I don’t know why it should be an issue on your server, but I do think I’ve found the answer.

    Please follow this advice, and let me know if it helps or not.

    (On a side note you might consider upgrading your PHP to 5.6 which is what is recommended for osTicket. I don’t think it has anything to do with your SVG issue, but it could help to avoid other mysterious issues).