
Forum Replies Created

  • In reply to: Avatars

    June 8, 2018 at 8:58 am #1310

    Hey @kkrumm this is what it should look like:

    The button below the picture allows the user to create a new random composite. It is kind of like playing a slot machine. This is in lieu of using a profile picture through Gravatar.

    Do you still have a vanilla osTicket installation on your server? If yes, would you mind looking at your profile page in the vanilla osTicket and letting me know if the button shows up or not? Thanks!

    In reply to: Anchors in FAQ's Open New Windows

    June 6, 2018 at 1:14 pm #1293

    Whoa… you’ve modified osTicket’s core functionality. Aside from that I have no clue what you did, how you figured it out or what potential ramifications you may experience as a result. BUT I’m glad that you found a solution! 🙂

    This is probably already apparent to you, but in case you haven’t thought of it…

    Keep in mind that if/when you update osTicket / osTicket Awesome you will have to recode this hack.

    All the best!

    In reply to: Piping emails not working

    June 6, 2018 at 1:10 pm #1290

    Sorry for the delayed response, Thomas.

    It sounds like you are having another, unrelated issue. Let’s focus on that first.

    Please post a screenshot of your osTicket Awesome in Firefox and/or send the URL of your help desk.

    In reply to: Missing [Admin Panel / Staff Panel] toggle button

    June 6, 2018 at 1:06 pm #1288

    You are correct, @aeromarine.

    The Admin Panel link is not available in mobile by design. It would be far too much work to attempt to make all of the admin pages mobile friendly. I also don’t feel that there is a great need to access those pages using a mobile device.

    My intention with osTicket Awesome is for the end user to still perform admin tasks using a desktop or laptop.

    The website used to say “You can access most of osTicket’s core functionality from your smartphone” or something like that. I just reviewed the site and I now realize that text must have gotten lost in the shuffle when I redesigned the site recently. I will have to consider adding it back.

    Long story short I apologize if you feel mislead in any way, but I do not foresee being able to modify the admin settings in osTicket Awesome by default.

    Having said that… there is a hacky way to get to the admin settings in a pinch.

    Using Chrome on your mobile device go to the settings menu and select Desktop. You can then temporarily use your osTicket Awesome installation without the mobile enhancements.

    I hope this helps.

    In reply to: Language Problems

    June 6, 2018 at 12:44 pm #1281

    Thanks for your post, @fachmarkt.

    I realize now that something is messy with the languages. I am still looking into it and will get back to you. Thank you for your patience.

    In reply to: custom colors

    June 6, 2018 at 12:40 pm #1278

    Sorry for the delay. This sounds like it may be a permissions issue with the files in /osta/css/themes

    Are you using a Linux-based or an IIS web server?

    A quick and dirty workaround for this is to manually add your hex color values to /osta/css/themes/custom.css

    In reply to: Anchors in FAQ's Open New Windows

    June 6, 2018 at 12:35 pm #1275

    Sorry @jranshaw, I didn’t see your message right now.

    I’m not sure what could be causing this. It may be an osTicket (rather than and osTicket Awesome) glitch, so you may want to try asking in their forums.

    But here is something that comes to mind that you can try.

    You could try specifically coding your links like so:

    <a href="#anchor" target="_self">Anchor Link</a>

    This wouldn’t normally be necessary, as _self is always the default. _self tells the browser to open the link in the same window, whereas _blank tells the browser to open the link in a new window (more info).

    Perhaps this workaround will override whatever is going on in your FAQ’s. I hope that it does.

    In reply to: Avatars

    June 6, 2018 at 12:26 pm #1272

    Thanks for your detailed report, @aeromarine.

    That’s odd. 

    My first suggestion would be to try another browser, but it sounds like you already have.

    Can you please visit the profile page in Chrome and open Dev Tools > Console and see if there are any errors?

    I notice that you are using IIS. Hey @kkrumm… you use IIS as well. Would you kindly check your profile page to see if the button appears on your end?

    In reply to: Priority Colors

    June 6, 2018 at 12:18 pm #1269

    I see your point, @laroccad.

    The color scheme that I’ve used still makes sense to me, and yet I can’t think of any way to justify it. Meanwhile, you have presented a solid case for the red to blue scheme. I see that it is also used in Mexico.

    You win. I will update the color scheme at some point. Thanks for the feedback.

    In reply to: Piping emails not working

    May 22, 2018 at 5:00 pm #1242

    Hi Thomas,

    osTicket Awesome doesn’t contain any modifications that could be responsible for breaking email piping. However, the fact is that by installing osTicket Awesome you have replaced your osTicket files with new copies.

    Therefore, you will likely need to repeat some of the steps that were taken when email piping was first configured on your server.

    For example, you will need to set permissions of your /api/pipe.php file to 0755.

    I hope this helps.

    In reply to: Saving any theme settings doesn’t work

    April 30, 2018 at 11:25 am #1161

    I’m alive!!!! LOL

    Thank you so much for the instructions. I will pass them along to the next IIS user with a permissions issue. IIS is so very different from Apache — I would never have figured out that solution!

    In reply to: Saving any theme settings doesn’t work

    April 30, 2018 at 10:16 am #1154

    Hi guys,

    I’m sorry for the delay in responding here.

    As you are likely aware, the new version (v1.3) is now available.

    district6 thank you for posting your solution. In your case it appears that you must have uploaded the files as another user (perhaps root?), thus the permissions issue.

    It is worth mentioning to anyone else who is reading this that the chown -R command that fixes this problem will need to be tailored specifically to each person’s website username and file path to their osTicket installation.

    City of Alton did you manage to correct the permissions issue on your IIS server? If you did, I would be very curious to know how you managed to do so! I do not have any experience with IIS. I actually rented an IIS server recently and tried to figure out how to work with permissions, but I failed to learn anything new. 🙁

    I’m sorry but osTicket Awesome has not supported IE since version 1.9.12. There are many reasons for this which have already been discussed in this forum (simply search for ‘IE’). 

    In reply to: Logos

    April 30, 2018 at 9:55 am #1151

     Yes that is a perfectly good workaround. 🙂

    In reply to: Themes blank

    April 30, 2018 at 9:52 am #1148

    Hi newox,

    Are you still having this issue? 

    If yes, is the Theme page the only page that comes up blank?

    If this issue persists I would try reuploading the theme files (you may as well us it as an opportunity to upgrade to the latest version); and then I would make sure that the permissions are all correct and that the owner of /include/staff/ is the same as the owner of the other files in the /include/staff/ directory.

    Let me know!


    In reply to: Attachments corrupt

    April 30, 2018 at 9:45 am #1145

    Hi Stefan,

    I hope that it doesn’t sound like a cop-out, but it is definitely worth mentioning that I doubt that this issue is related to osTicket Awesome.

    Assuming that your installation is in a directory called support, if you followed the installation instructions then your original osTicket installation will now be in a directory named support-old.

    Please visit your original osTicket installation in your web browser and see what happens if you upload/ download attachments from there.

    If the issue persists while you are using the original interface, I would recommend seeking help for this issue in the main osTicket Forums.

    But if it does turn out that the issue is specific to your osTicket Awesome installation, do let me know and I will give it some more thought.